插件下载 | Revit中的实时渲染引擎- Enscape™




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Revit中的实时渲染引擎- Enscape™插件界面:


Enscape™ – Realtime 3D rendered walkthrough for your projects in Autodesk® Revit®. It enables you to show and communicate designs in your team or to your customers effortlessly.   Supported Revit Versions: Autodesk® Revit® 2014 (64 bit only), Autodesk® Revit® 2015 and Autodesk® Revit®2016.   ADVANTAGES Enscape enables you to walk through your project using realistic real-time rendering, saving you time and making it easier to prepare meetings. You don't have to upload your data to the cloud, as Enscape can do all the calculations on your machine. Additionally, with the option to create a standalone file, you can send your Enscape file to your clients or colleagues and show them your work.   ITERATION Changes in the model are displayed instantly through Enscape's unique design. Enscape displays not only architectural changes, but variations in sunlight, material, and furniture.   EFFORTLESS USAGE As Enscape is a Revit plug-in, you can run it without making any adjustments in your planning. Simply click on the Enscape button in Revit and it will start in a new window without any further steps.    SOUND In addition to the realistic graphics, Enscape lets you insert sound sources. You can directly hear the impact of the acoustics in your building. With libraries like the OWAconsult designer, you can directly hear the effect of acoustic elements like ceilings or absorbers.    KEEP YOUR TOOLS Enscape effortlessly makes your project look good without any further steps. You won't have to learn any other tool, as you can use Enscape directly in Revit. All information for materials, acoustics and geometry comes right from your CAD data.    FREE TRIAL VERSION The free trial version expires after 14 days. After that you can buy a monthly or yearly license.   BUY ENSCAPE Please visit our Enscape store http://www.enscape3d.com/store/ to purchase Enscape.   VIDEO TUTORIAL Click on the following YouTube Videotutorial to get a first impression!  

Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).


Revit中的实时渲染引擎- Enscape™视频效果展示:


链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1slcumQT 密码:e7jd


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